How can schools integrate artificial intelligence (AI) thanks to online tools and exciting resources?
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into schools requires a holistic approach that includes teachers, students, and school management. Here are some steps schools can take to successfully integrate AI:
Educate and train
Start training courses for teachers to teach them the basics of open source AI.
Offer workshops to demonstrate the use of open source AI in different subjects.
Enable the exchange of best practices and experiences between teachers.
Development of teaching materials:
Create teaching materials that are specifically tailored to open source AI.
Integrate practical examples and projects to give students hands-on experience.
Enable the exchange of best practices and experiences between teachers.
Educate and train
Start training courses for teachers to teach them the basics of open source AI.
Offer workshops to demonstrate the use of open source AI in different subjects.
Educate and train
Start training courses for teachers to teach them the basics of open source AI.
Offer workshops to demonstrate the use of open source AI in different subjects.
A comprehensive platform for deep learning projects. Offers high-quality APIs such as Keras to simplify the modelling process.
Target group
Students, professionals
Free access, broad promotion of AI skills, fellowship program.
Content | Objectives
Promotion of AI skills, online courses on AI basics and specific topics.
Target group
Students, professionals
Free access, broad promotion of AI skills, fellowship program.
Content | Objectives
Promotion of AI skills, online courses on AI basics and specific topics.
Target group
Students, professionals
Free access, broad promotion of AI skills, fellowship program.
Content | Objectives
Promotion of AI skills, online courses on AI basics and specific topics.
In unserer Skool-Community findest du nicht nur die neuesten Tools, sondern auch praktische Tutorials und spannende Diskussionen mit anderen Lehrkräften. Hier kannst du Fragen stellen, Wissen teilen und gemeinsam wachsen.
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Erhalte alle zwei Wochen die besten Tools, Tipps und Tricks für den Unterricht – direkt in dein Postfach. Entdecke, wie du deinen Unterricht mit minimalem Aufwand digitalisieren kannst.
Exklusive Tool-Vorstellungen und Anleitungen.
Neue Funktionen und Updates für bestehende Tools.
Vorschläge für kreative Unterrichtsideen.
Alle zwei Wochen laden wir dich zu einem praxisnahen Workshop ein, in dem wir dir zeigen, wie du digitale Tools optimal einsetzt. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir an Lösungen, die du direkt in deinem Unterricht anwenden kannst.
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Tauche ein in spannende Gespräche rund um digitale Bildung. In unserem Podcast sprechen wir über die besten Tools, teilen Tipps für den Unterricht und erzählen inspirierende Geschichten aus der Praxis.
Praktische Tipps und spannende Ideen für den Unterricht.
Interviews mit Lehrkräften und Expert:innen aus dem Bildungsbereich.
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